What is the Difference between the Civil Service Exam Professional or Sub-Professional:

The answer is: the level of Eligibility or qualification.

Your qualification to apply for any positions in the government office will depend on the level of exam that you’re going to pass.

Let’s be begin, the Sub-Professional Eligibility qualifies you for first level positions such as clerical aide, trade, and custodial service positions which require less than four years of college education.

The Professional Eligibility, on the other hand, qualifies you not only for first level positions but also for second level positions such as professional, technical, and scientific positions which require four years of college education. (Take note that you need to be a graduate of a four year course to be eligible for second level positions.)

For both levels, the first and second level positions must not involve the practice of any profession and must not be regulated by other laws.

If you want to play it safe, then take the Sub-Professional Exam first. Passing it will give you the confidence you need to hurdle the more challenging Professional Exam. Immediately after passing the Sub-Professional Exam, start preparing for the Professional Exam while everything is still fresh in your mind.

Since you already studied most of the topics, you will just need to concentrate on Analogy and Logic for the next round. If you want to play it smart, then take the Professional Level so you will not have to study the same things all over again.

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